Ship Radar Endorsement
Only persons whose commercial radio operator license bears this endorsement may repair, maintain, or internally adjust ship radar equipment.
*Note: This is not a USCG approved Radar Observer Course and cannot be added to your Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC).
To qualify for a Ship Radar Endorsement you must:
- hold (or qualify for) a PG, DM, DB, T, T1, or T2; and
- pass the Element 8 exam
Term of License
A Ship Radar Endorsement is issued for the holder’s lifetime.
Complete the Course
- Study the question pool.
- Take the Sub-element practices quizzes or skip to the Final Practice Quiz.
- Pass the Final Practice Quiz with a 90% or higher to unlock the Final Exam.
- Schedule your Final Exam using the ” Schedule your Final Exam” link.
- During the Web Conference we:
- Check your identity
- Administer the Final Exam
- Email you a simple form to gather your information so we can submit your license application
Get your Ship Radar Endorsement Added to your FCC License
Your form submission data drops into our database. We put the data into the proper file format and submit it to the FCC electronically. They process your application and send us a response file telling us that it is granted. We send you an email that says “click on the link below to access the official copy of your license with your FRN and Password” and attach very specific instructions on how to download the official copy of your license from the FCC website. If at any point you would like guidance give us a call or shoot us an email.