Section I – Personal Data

Section I of the application has three parts: Personal Data, Mariner Contact Information, and Next of Kin/Emergency Contact. The only part of the personal data section you might find confusing is the reference number. Originals will use their social security number, renewals will use their reference numbers. The Mariners Contact Information section allows you to record your home address and a shipping address if it is different than your home address. Your Next of Kin/Emergency Contact is the person closest to you; it can be a family member or friend

Section II – Requested Credential

If you are going for a captain’s license you are in the endorsement category “officer.” If this is your first time applying for a captain’s license your transaction type is “original.” If you are getting a sailing or towing endorsement also check the “New Endorsement” in the transaction type column. If you are renewing your license check the “Renewal” box. The “Description of Endorsement Desired” area will differ from license to license and the video describes in detail what will go in that space.

Section III – Safety and Suitability

The first part of section III says “Transportation Workers Identification Credential (TWIC).” Leave this box blank for original applications in which the applicant has applied for a TWIC. Check this box if you are getting a renewal and already applied for the TWIC with your original application.

The second part of Section III is about “Convictions and Drug Use ” and it asks a series of questions. If you answer yes to any questions a, b, c, d, e, or f you must include a disclosure statement on form CG-719C with your application. The vast majority of offenses will not disqualify you. The US COast Guard is mostly concerned with recent offenses.

The third part of Section III is the “National Driver Registry ” and you must check the box for your application to be accepted.

Section IV – Mariner’s Consent

Section IV – Mariner’s Consent / Certification

Part 1 – Mariner Outreach System. If you choose to participate you may be contacted to help in the case of a crisis or emergency.

Part 2 – For Continuity Renewal Only. This section makes the applicant aware of regulations regarding continuity of expired licenses.

Part 3 – Consent. Do not check the box in part three unless you are under 18 years old.

Part 4 – Certification. Part 4 describes what you are certifying when you sign part 5 of the form.

Part 5 – Signature. You sign and date and a notary signs and dates the form.

